After many years of owning and renovating traditional homes, I’ve embarked on a life-long dream to purchase and repurpose/convert a commercial building, giving it a new life, through some imagination and sweat equity. Ultimately, transforming it into an industrial style home and office.
For the past two years, I’ve lived in my building, and it has been a labor of love, coupled with exhaustion, bewilderment, financial crises, creative ingenuity, and lots of satisfaction.
With thousands of disused buildings available, creatives are taking on neglected and forgotten structures and magically transforming them into unique private homes. I’ll share tips and tricks from myself and others as we battle to renovate our structures. But however hard the going gets… We’re all lucky, to live the dream of creating our own unique spaces.
Check this out!
My Goal: To increase the value of my space. Purchased it in 2020 for less than $200K.
Specs: 3 beds, 2 dated baths, 1.590 sq ft, built in 1956, on a 7,680 sq ft lot.
Cement block construction with stucco over lay. Slab foundation. Building is on a well for water. No bills for water, sewer or garbage! It has a rented Water-Softener system. Security/Tornado windows were installed in 1992. A rubber roof was put on in 2017. Security System.
My Building - Behold, the eyesore I purchased. In its former life it was a living space plus home office.
Any improvements I make will be better than the current state.
Serenity Prayer
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time; enjoying one moment at a time; accepting hardships as the pathway to peace...